Saturday, January 9, 2021

Torrent stuck on downloading metadata

Torrent stuck on downloading metadata
torrent stuck on downloading metadata

Some magnet links stuck on downloading metadata · Issue # · qbittorrent/qBittorrent · GitHub

Torrent downloading metadata in if you register. my magnet downloads are download just fine.). I usually keep Metadata 39 for VPN installed and i but I did try vpn, that so far blogger.comt files too, download any torrents, its know The different types issue. I use qBittorrent Newest 'qbittorrent' Questions - i've uninstalled and Same result. Apr 09,  · When adding new magnet torrents via webui they get stuck in "downloading metadata".. Sometimes they eventually recovers.. in minutes, hours or days. However sometimes they don't. Thought it could be my local DNS resolution server on host, but no. Logs don't say much as well. Anyway port is allowed on host. Jun 16,  · Use the trackerlist by a kind qBittorrent dev, ngosang: Go into Settings, Bittorrent, scroll down, "Automatically" and paste the list there. Or add the list each time to new public torrents. If you use a VPN or not, you HAVE TO PORT FORWARD!

Torrent stuck on downloading metadata

By PeterbilttruckerJanuary 13, in Troubleshooting. Downloaded Bittorrent 7. Then, I tried to download other movies and see if that would fix anything but, still nothing. It may just be the firefox firewall but, tried to run test on it and everything checked out. I have linksys connection, torrent stuck on downloading metadata, if that is helpful. In the buttom right of the screen on Bittorrent is a red indicator saying something about the firewall is limited something like that and clicked on it, ran connection test and so forth, torrent stuck on downloading metadata.

Again, still nothing and "Downloading metadata" is at a stand still. Currently, I have only one movie on the torrent at the moment and going to give it a few mins or an hour or so. Anyways, any help is appreciated. I'm running BitTorrent Total Security however after this started happening I disabled the firewall and antivirus. Currently trying to download 31 torrents, about half have "Downloading metadata" in the status bar, and it appears to be random when it comes to which torrents this happens to.

I'm not sure where I can find that information about the internet security software Where can I find that info? Right now, the DHT is reading nodes. Also, that red indication symbol in the buttom right hand corner in Bittorrent is changed to yellow and saying "No Incomming connections" Any ideas? Unfortunately, don't have any internet security software I bought this laptop day after Christmas and apparently it has the Norton software advertisement that pops up every startup and wants you to sign up a regstation form but, I don't trust Norton and definitely don't trust mcafee.

Anyways, you were right, the firewall needed to be configured. Had to reset the default settings and use recommanded sources and now, bittorrent is working fine again but, not sure if that could be the solution. However, thanks soo much for your help and will let you know if any more issues interfers. Second thought If the availability of the torrent doesn't exceed 0. That's the thing I cancel out the torrent and tried other ones but, they all consists of the same problem.

The availability status contains Red in all the other torrents as well. Also, tried "force start" but, still nothing. Do you think, I need to un-install and re-install bittorrent to see if that will fix anything or do you think it's something about the firewall settings? Btw, I have windows 7. Also, is there another program that needs to be downloaded along with bittorrent? That won't fix anything. Actually, seems like bittorrent working today. Last night, I choose a torrent with alot of seeders.

However, first it had the same problem with no incoming connections and decided to let it be since it was at Anyways, a few minutes ago It appears to me that, most people could been offline at the time or something or maybe I parked my big rig in a bad section. Anyways, I do appreciate it you helping me. Thank you! Again, I'll let you know if any other issues arises. Hope that you have a great day I'm having this same problem.

I don't really know what I'm supposed to do. My roommate is also having the problem with the new update as well. Since i upgraded to 7. Nothing has changed in configuration and Network indicator is green DHT nodes. Gotta say after this new build, I have been having at least one crash every few days bitTorrent crashes. Not able to download [anything anywhere] unless from PB, in which torrents go into the hidden label. I've never had any problems before 7. I used to use uTorrent until last month, when an update was made available and I obviously updated my version of the said software.

Since that day, uTorrent no longer worked: no downloading, no seeding which I do a lottorrent stuck on downloading metadata, no seeds or peers detecting, and just a few nodes found in terms of DHT and sometimes the "waiting to log in" message. I re-installed uTorrent but to no relevant results: the situations persisted. Therefore, I downloaded BitTorrent, just to check if it was a software issue of uTorrent. And it worked!

It worked perfectly fine, until the day some weeks ago when an update was made available and I downloaded it. Guess what. BitTorrent no longer worked as it should, and I get the "waiting to log in" of DHT all the time, and just a little few torrent stuck on downloading metadata sometimes. Now, I use a laptop and all this problem only happen when I'm online via the internet connection I have at my place.

When I'm at my folks' place, and use their internet connection, everything works fine with BitTorrent. I acknowledge this is a connection problem, but I'm clueless on how to fixe it. Someone torrent stuck on downloading metadata on using a different connection and working. I work on the road, so I change every few nights to new hotels and since 7.

Hoping to find an answer on here soon. I had never used it, and didn't notice that it was turned on. I uninstalled torrent stuck on downloading metadata program and immediately, my downloads were working. Troubleshooting Search In.

Downloading metadata isn't working Any solutions? Start new topic. Recommended Posts. Report post. Posted January 13, Share this post Link to post Share on other sites. What internet security software do you have installed? What value do you have for DHT: in the status bar? I have this same problem. What about my second question? Posted January 14, Applications like norton, zonealarm, and mcafee torrent stuck on downloading metadata internet security software.

Oops, sorry about that dupicated comment, lol. Accidently, pressed "post" twice. Posted January 15, There is NO other software you need in addition to bittorrent to download torrents. Posted January 16, Posted January 18, Hello everyone, torrent stuck on downloading metadata. I'm using this thread because I have the same problem as all you guys. What can I do to fixe this? Thanks in advance edit: oh, and sorry for any language mistakes, english is not my first language.

Posted January 25, I am also not able to download since I updated, torrent stuck on downloading metadata. I always leave my laptop on to seed.

Posted January 26, Posted January 29, Ok, torrent stuck on downloading metadata, it seems to be working again. Posted February 26, I had this problem, came here for a solution. Hope this info helps at least some of you! This topic is now closed to further replies.

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bittorrent stuck at connecting to peers Utorrent stuck at connecting to peers fix

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Torrent stuck on downloading metadata

torrent stuck on downloading metadata

Oct 18,  · Certain magnet links are stuck on "Downloading metadata". Restarting the torrent do not work. Pause and Start. Restarting qbittorrent do not work. It shows many seeds and peers but it is not fetching the torrent file. Both uTorrent and Tixati is able to download the torrent file. Copy link. Apr 09,  · When adding new magnet torrents via webui they get stuck in "downloading metadata".. Sometimes they eventually recovers.. in minutes, hours or days. However sometimes they don't. Thought it could be my local DNS resolution server on host, but no. Logs don't say much as well. Anyway port is allowed on host. Feb 26,  · In the buttom right of the screen on Bittorrent is a red indicator saying something about the firewall is limited (something like that) and clicked on it, ran connection test and so forth. Again, still nothing and "Downloading metadata" is at a stand still.

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